Thursday, February 21st
9:25 PM
Tonight wraps up day 6. I'd have to say it was a so-so day for me. I still didn't feel very refreshed and energized when I woke up this morning even though I slept pretty well. I'm still having crazy dreams at night! Supposedly crazy vivid dreams can result from detoxing while you're sleeping. In any case, last night's dream involved two of the people who were juicing with me and some random stranger who was trying to steal their kid. In an attempt to save their kid I was trying to get one of my co-workers (a guy who I rarely work with) to try to sneak into my house to get my gun! Bananas! Since I started juicing, I've had 3 extremely vivid dreams which I recall with great detail days later. I haven't had dreams like this in a long long time.
Anyway - as for today I once again went with the Green Machine juice for my breakfast, snack and lunch. I'm able to go for 3-4 hours in between meals without feeling tortured. I also upped my water intake, probably getting 60oz total for the morning and early afternoon. I found this lemon herbal tea that Tanya gave me really helped calm my stomach down in the mid to late afternoon push so I had another cup of that at 2 and that pretty much tied me over till dinner.
As far as dinner went, I guess you could say I ate out! We were able to finagle office managers to allow us to bring in a juicer to the office (with some stipulations) so since I had to stay late Tanya and I decided we'd juice dinner at the office. Tonight's meal was a veggie base of chard (weird ass leaf), cucumber, parsley and spinach with a half lemon, one pear and a handful of grapes to add some sweet flavors. Today was the first day where I observed the different approach to this fast... Tanya likes to nurse the juice over the course of 20-30 minutes while I take down 10oz at a shot. She was running late so she ended up having to chug most of her juice which did not go over well for her at all. I'll leave out the TMI details, but needless to say she won't be doing that anymore. Another guy who I work with was in the break room with us and seemed really interested in what we were doing so we offered him some of the juice. He took a couple of sips and did his best to school his face and give us a positive reaction but I could tell he was full of shit! It definitely takes serious willpower, and a rotgut stomach to boot to survive this fast. After I got home I took a couple of swigs from my Mango Naked juice to keep that psychological feeling of having a dessert going along.
Overall I'd have to say my energy levels were above average and consistent throughout the day. The negative side effects from the detox seem to be lessening each day. The headache is non-existent and the fantastic 'detox film' that had been coating the inside of my mouth for 5 days is going away too! The only thing I haven't been able to shake is the desire to eat real food. Today it was pretty bad! It started off with my co-worker bringing in BBQ ribs and rice into the office for lunch, then I had to sit there in a meeting with him not more than 4 feet away chowing down on them. It sort of just spiraled from there. I kept thinking about all the different foods I wanted to eat. There were times where I would be thinking about what I was going to have for dinner only to realize I knew what awaited me and the soul crushing feelings I experienced during the first few days of the fast returned; but only for a brief time. I have a feeling it's going to get harder before it gets easier for me in this particular area..
What I wouldn't give for a tasteless Subway sub right this second!! Must resist...
More tomorrow...
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