Saturday, February 16, 2013

Leading up to the big day...

Thursday, February 14th

T minus 28.5 hours and counting....

In a little more than a day, myself along with three other friends will be going on a journey - A juice journey.. Journey of juice?  Yes it all sounds like hippie crap!!!  Hopefully it will lead us all to increased health and a better sense of well being.  At precisely 12 am on 16-FEB I'll be going cold turkey, giving up a lifestyle which has led me to where I am now.  32 years old, overweight, with high blood pressure and general malaise about most of the things I do!

Today is Valentine's Day and as my wife and I enjoyed our traditional fillet mignon (and tomorrow yellow cake with chocolate frosting!!!) I found myself feeling excited, yet nervous about this trip I'm about to take.  I'm struggling to embrace the feelings of hope while facing the horror of not being able to enjoy a single piece of solid food for the next however many days I can go with this...

I will be using this blog to document the experiences this journey of consuming nothing but juiced fruits and vegetables takes me on, no matter how insane my thoughts may become! The goal Tanya, Sarah, Nick and I are shooting for is 5 days, however I'm hoping once I get through the detox phase everyone seems to experience with this type of fast, I'll be able to make it to 10.  If all goes well I will push it for another 20 and from then who knows!

First things first... Get through Day 1

More to come on Saturday!

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